cover of episode EP.39 [CN] - Bowen: 谈谈DeFi 简史与以太坊MEV现实 / On the Brief History of DeFi & ETH MEV Reality

EP.39 [CN] - Bowen: 谈谈DeFi 简史与以太坊MEV现实 / On the Brief History of DeFi & ETH MEV Reality

logo of podcast 51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

Shownotes Transcript

在这一集中,Smrti Labs 联合创始人Bowen和我坐下来聊了两个话题:DeFi 和以太坊 MEV(矿工可提取价值)。

我们沿时间线回顾了 DeFi 的发展,并触及了产品市场契合点的讨论。Bowen 还讨论了在他的世界观中哪些是使 DeFi 协议脱颖而出的点。

然后我们的话题自然而然地转向了以太坊上的 MEV。我们谈到了两个现有的解决方案,Flashbots 和 Eden Network。


推特:  @Bowenddex)



重要声明:Mable Jiang或嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法,并不代表Multicoin Capital官方的观点。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。Multicoin Capital有时可能会在此节目中讨论的某些代币或公司中持有头寸。


In this episode, the co-founder of Smarti Labs, Bowen, sat down with me to talk about two subjects: DeFi and Ethereum MEV (miner extractable value). 

We reviewed the development of DeFi with its timeline and touched upon the point of product market fit. Bowen also discussed the order of importance for a DeFi protocol to stand out in his world view. 

The topic then naturally pivoted to the MEV on Ethereum. We touched upon two existing solutions, Flashbots and Eden Network. 


Twitter: @Bowenddex

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Important Disclaimers: All opinions expressed by Mable Jiang, or other podcast guests, are solely their opinion and do not represent the opinions of Multicoin Capital in any way. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Multicoin Capital may hold positions in some of the tokens and/or companies discussed on this show.