cover of episode EP.14 [CN] - Hanwen Cheng & John Wu: 从开发者的角度聊聊波卡与Litentry / A Conversation on Polkadot and Litentry from Developers' views

EP.14 [CN] - Hanwen Cheng & John Wu: 从开发者的角度聊聊波卡与Litentry / A Conversation on Polkadot and Litentry from Developers' views

logo of podcast 51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

Shownotes Transcript





关于 Litentry: Litentry是基于多网络的去中心化身份聚合协议,拥有**去中心化身份(DID)**索引机制和基于Substrate的信用计算网络。Litentry的目标是帮助去中心化身份聚合、验证和信用计算。





重要声明:Mable Jiang或嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法,并不代表Multicoin Capital官方的观点。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。Multicoin Capital有时可能会在此节目中讨论的某些代币或公司中持有头寸。


This is the first episode I recorded in Lunar New Year of Ox. In this episode, I chatted with Hanwen and John about how they think of Cosmos versus Polkadot ecosystem, and what they think is important for developers to choose an ecosystem over another. We also discussed what Litentry means to each of them, and what the differences are to be a developer versus a team leader.  

Out of curiosity, I also asked them the question that which city they would choose to live and work for the long term. Listen to this episode and find out the answers yourself!   


About Litentry: Litentry is a Decentralized Identity Aggregation protocol across multiple networks, featuring a DID indexing mechanism and a Substrate-based credit computation network. The protocol provides a decentralized, interoperable identity aggregation service that mitigates the difficulty of resolving agnostic DID mechanisms.




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**Important Disclaimers: **All opinions expressed by Mable Jiang, or other podcast guests, are solely their opinion and do not represent the opinions of Multicoin Capital in any way. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Multicoin Capital may hold positions in some of the tokens and/or companies discussed on this show.