Thin End of the Wedge
Episode 1: Laith Hussein: Tell Harmal, heart of Eshnunna
Laith Hussein talks about a key centre in the kingdom of Eshnunna. Eshnunna was one of several rival kingdoms fighting for supremacy in Iraq about 4000 years ago. What was found, and what work is being done?
3:06 about the site of Tell Harmal. Where is it? How big is it? When was it excavated? What was its ancient name?
7:54 what ancient texts have been found there?
13:01 how the archaeological remains and texts relate to each other. The production of huge numbers of bricks.
15:54 what language are the texts in? And what do they talk about?
17:36 what do they tell us about life in ancient Iraq?
21:00 any plans for new excavations?
Music by Ruba Hillawi
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The article Dr Laith mentioned is: "Bauplanung und Administration in altbabylonischer Zeit: ein Tonbullen-Archiv aus Tell Harmal (Shaduppum)", in Kaskal 9 (2012), pp. 3-29A brief report on the 1997-1998 excavations is available in English).
The Iraqi scholars Dr Laith mentions as having worked on tablets from Tell Harmal are:
Basima Jalil Abed, Unpublished Cuneiform Texts from the Old Babylonian Period in the Iraq Museum. Masters dissertation, Baghdad University (in Arabic). 1998
Khalid al-A’dami, Some Old Babylonian Letters in the Iraq Museum. PhD dissertation. 1971
Abdulkarim Abdullah Ahmed, Old Babylonian Loan Contracts in the Iraq Museum from Tell al-Dhiba’i and Tell Harmal. Masters dissertation, Baghdad University (= OBLC). 1964
Saad Salman Fahad, Cuneiform Texts from the Old Babylonian Period, Diyala Region, Tell Harmal. Masters dissertation, Baghdad University (in Arabic). 1996
Ahmad Hamid Majeed, Studies of Unpublished Old Babylonian Cuneiform Texts from the Diyala Region, Tell Harmal. Masters dissertation, Baghdad University (in Arabic). 1990
Ridha al-Hashimi, *Some Old Babylonian Purchase Contracts in the Iraqi Museum from Harmal and Dhiba’i *(OBPC). Masters dissertation, Baghdad University (in Arabic). 1964
Menshed Mutlaq Menshed, Unpublished Cuneiform Texts from the Old Babylonian Period, Diyala Region, Tell Harmal. Masters dissertation, Baghdad University (in Arabic). 1997
Ahmad Kamil Muhammed, Unpublished Old Babylonian Letters in the Iraq Museum. PhD dissertation, Baghdad University (in Arabic). 1996
Amir Suleiman, A Study of Land Tenure in the Old Babylonian Period with Special Reference to The Diyala Region, Based on Published and Unpublished Texts (= SLTOB). PhD dissertation, University of London. 1966
Amir Suleiman, Harvest Documents and Loan Contracts from the Old Babylonian Period, Sumer 34/I-II (1978), pp. 130-138