圣诞节近在眼前,各大商场的圣诞树都开始争奇斗艳。美国人过圣诞节,家里也要置办一棵圣诞树:在飘着雪的圣诞夜,伴着噼里啪啦的炉火声响,一家人便可围坐在圣诞树旁,拆礼物、烤棉花糖…2022年,美国人在圣诞树上的消费高达30亿美元,这还只是圣诞树本树,不算树上眼花缭乱的小挂件。有人买塑料圣诞树;而有人必须去当地农场亲手砍一棵真树回家,才算完成了圣诞节的仪式感。 本期嘉宾Donna是美国旧金山湾区Skyline Ranch圣诞树农场的主人。半个世纪前,大半个硅谷还都在种杏树;Donna的父亲面临自家果园效益不佳,改种松树和杉树,农场自此成为了圣诞树的大本营。那些农场老主顾,不仅保存着上世纪的购树发票,如今还带着自己的孙子或曾孙来农场挑选新一年的圣诞树。种一棵圣诞树需要多久?如何以正确的姿势砍树,并安全地把树载回家?圣诞树的由来是什么,我们又为什么这么爱它? 节目视频版请见B站“一千零一Yeah”:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13Q4y1u7Fj/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=61f0f34898d4a0a274326417521dbdcf 希望树林的苍翠欲滴能在冬日里给你带来能量和治愈!The Ultimate Guide to Fresh Cut Christmas Trees, with Skyline Ranch Christmas Trees FarmIn this holiday season, we visited the Skyline Ranch Christmas Trees Farm in La Honda, California, where we we met its wonderful owner Donna. From a fruit orchard to a tree wonderland, this place has been a nature-lovers’ paradise since the 1970s. Besides bringing a festive spirit, their trees play a crucial role in nurturing the environment and spreading the joy of the great outdoors. In this episode, Donna shares insider tips on finding that perfect tree, taking it home safe and sound, and keeping it merry all season long. She also uncovers the origins of this entire Christmas tree tradition. Grab your saw and we'll catch you at the farm - Hope you snag that dream tree!The video version of this episode is also available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIC1o8p-tN8农场的昨日与今天
有人众里寻他千百树 有人得来毫不费功夫
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