This week in Japan, Japan’s State of Emergency is lifted in 39 prefectures, large numbers of people crowd together as aid package applications roll out, an Olympic athlete is working as an Uber Eats driver, Japan’s longest-running anime is put on hold, and celebrities break the mould by sharing their political opinions online. Word of the week: Sazae-san Syndrome (サザエさん症候群)[Japanese Explanation]This Week In Japanでは毎週、日本で話題になっているニュースについて、イギリス人アーティストのJulianと日本人起業家のYasuが英語で意見を交わしています。他にも日本文化や、外国人にとって不思議な日本語のフレーズも紹介しています。(Recorded on May 15th, 2020, in Roppongi, Tokyo)