This Week In Japan, The State of Emergency has been lifted in Tokyo and remaining prefectures, Pro wrestler and a cast of Terrace House, Hana Kimura tragically passes away at 22, Kagawa ordinance attempts to limit media intake for those under 18, Japanese baseball scheduled for a return but with no fans, and Tokyo Tower reopens to visitors after the lifting of the State of Emergency. Word of the Week: Sayonara Win (サヨナラ勝ち) [Japanese Explanation]This Week In Japanでは毎週、日本で話題になっているニュースについて、イギリス人アーティストのJulianと日本人起業家のYasuが英語で意見を交わしています。他にも日本文化や、面白い日本語のフレーズも紹介しています。(Recorded on May 29th, 2020, in Roppongi, Tokyo)