cover of episode A股的历史回响:从暴力美学到政策巴祖卡


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小跑豬是一位活躍於音樂創作和表演的藝術家,代表作品包括《在Cypher裡》和《Don't Worry About Me》,積極參與社群活動並與粉絲互動。
Johnny: 对A股和港股历史牛市的回顾与分析,指出2005-2007年牛市与股权分置改革密切相关,2014-2015年杠杆牛的教训,以及A股牛短熊长、港股牛长熊短的特点。并对本轮刺激政策与历史上的异同进行比较,认为央行直接干预股市、政策的针对性和应对性是本轮刺激政策与以往的不同之处。同时,对本轮牛市能否持续以及能否真正解决经济基本面问题提出了疑问,认为需要更长的时间去检验。 小跑:对9月24日政策出台的市场反应进行描述,并提出本轮刺激政策与以往的不同之处,以及对未来市场走势的担忧。认为后续政策的持续性和力度难以把握,存在“药效不足”或“剂量过大”的风险。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the key characteristics of the 2005-2007 A-share bull market?

The 2005-2007 A-share bull market was driven by the equity division reform, a policy event that addressed the issue of non-tradable shares in Chinese companies. This reform allowed state-owned and legal person shares to enter the market, significantly increasing liquidity. The market surged from below 1000 points to over 6000 points, marking a six-fold increase. This period coincided with China's rapid economic growth, with annual GDP growth exceeding 10%, and ended just before the 2008 global financial crisis.

Why is the 2014-2015 A-share bull market referred to as the 'leverage bull'?

The 2014-2015 A-share bull market is called the 'leverage bull' because it was fueled by extensive use of leverage through off-balance-sheet financial tools and margin trading. The rise of internet finance during this period further accelerated the influx of leveraged funds into the market. However, the bull market ended abruptly in June 2015, leading to significant regulatory changes as authorities recognized the risks of excessive leverage in the financial system.

How does the Hong Kong stock market's bull-bear cycle compare to that of the A-share market?

The Hong Kong stock market typically experiences longer bull markets and shorter bear markets compared to the A-share market. Historically, Hong Kong's bull markets last an average of 33.8 months, while bear markets last around 15.6 months. The Hong Kong market is more influenced by external factors, particularly U.S. Federal Reserve policies, due to its linked exchange rate system. In contrast, the A-share market is characterized by shorter bull markets and longer bear markets, often driven by domestic policy changes.

What is unique about the stimulus measures introduced on September 24, 2023, compared to previous policies?

The September 24, 2023, stimulus measures are unique because they involve direct intervention by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) in the stock market. The PBOC introduced facilities allowing securities firms and fund companies to borrow funds for stock buybacks, effectively expanding its balance sheet to support the market. This marks a significant departure from traditional monetary policies like interest rate cuts or reserve requirement reductions. Additionally, the measures were coordinated across multiple financial regulatory bodies, reflecting a more unified approach to economic stabilization.

What challenges does China's local government finance face, and how does the current stimulus aim to address them?

China's local governments face significant financial challenges due to a sharp decline in land sales revenue, a major source of income. From January to August 2023, local government land sales revenue fell by 15% year-on-year, creating a substantial funding gap. The September 24 stimulus aims to alleviate these pressures by boosting the stock market, which could provide local state-owned enterprises and other entities with much-needed liquidity. However, it remains uncertain whether the stock market alone can sustainably address these fiscal issues.

  • A股牛市通常“牛短熊长”,2005-2007年牛市与股权分置改革密切相关,2014-2015年牛市为“杠杆牛”,牛市持续时间短。
  • 港股牛市则“牛长熊短”,受美联储货币政策影响较大。
  • 历史上的牛市多与政策相关,而非完全由基本面驱动。

Shownotes Transcript

·本期嘉宾·** Johnny:香港资深投资人,耶鲁历史学霸,财经内容创作者 (Youtube频道:《MJ说财经》 ;专栏:“MJFinance’s Newsletter” 最近市场风起云涌,在假期7天的港股市场每天都在上演《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club),暴力美学你方唱罢我登场。

不过有一说一,这次市场变动,也并非完全没有预兆。比如今年的外滩峰会,规模空前,800多人参加,来自20多个国家,三分之一到近一半参会者都是外国人。这种国际关注度,似乎已经在暗示着什么。而峰会上的发言,现在再回顾琢磨一下,好像真有一种“真相就在眼前”的破案感。而会看回看“9.24”发布会,虽然令人意外,但确实有迹可循。无论是外部环境,还是内部的言论,都变得越来越激烈和尖锐。很多过去不敢触及的话题,如"自行车熄火"、"通缩"等,都被摆上了台面。虽然但是,在这个关键时刻,大家开户进场上车也很累了,有必要稍稍休息一下——比如看看历史?以史为鉴,回顾一下A股和港股的牛市历史:这次的行情像历史上的哪一次?本轮刺激与过去有何不同?最重要的是(虽然在当下“重要”的优先度堪忧),还是要稍稍思考一下:这波上涨能否真正改变经济基本面?都说牛市最伤人,尤其是那些第一次经历牛市的投资者——这是很有道理的(虽然在当下care的人很少),确实只有“经历”才能“领悟”。今天的朋友圈,摇身一变,已经全是专家了。而Johnny老师,反而更多地在阅读历史——在亢奋中拿起历史显微镜,值得大大点一个赞。毕竟只有了解过去,才能更好地理解现在。本期从探讨历次A股和港股牛市的角度,和Johnny老师一起聊一聊——我们能从历次牛市中学到什么宝贵的经验(教训)? ·时间戳· 00:00:58 国庆期间的暴力美学,外滩峰会上的见闻 00:03:33 Johnny对 9 月 24 日政策及市场反应的看法 00:08:48 回顾 A 股历史上两次重要牛市:2005-2007 年和 2014-2015 年 00:09:31 2005 - 07年这波牛市带有很强“中国式改革开放的烙印”,导火索其实是一个政策性的事件:股权分制改革——整个的过程,也是伴随着改革全过程。 00:12:57 2014-2015年的"杠杆牛":牛市猝然结束,对于后面整个高层对于金融市场的决策起到了决定性一个影响:意识到“水能载舟,亦能覆舟。" 00:19:08 A股"牛短熊长"特征及其对投资者行为的影响 00:25:36 港股牛市特征:牛长熊短,高回报高风险 00:29:53 本轮刺激与历史上的异同 00:36:48 "中国央行这次的巴祖卡主要是解决什么问题?能解决财政问题吗?" 00:44:00 政策对经济基本面的实质影响 ·参考信息·(by小跑)

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