cover of episode 财政下一张牌怎么打?关于10.12财政发布会


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刘院长: 当前市场情绪波动剧烈,主要源于信息时代媒体对信息的解读和放大。应理性分析政策,避免过度解读市场短期表现。 发改委关注的是整体经济改革,而非股市短期波动。其政策旨在调整经济发展方向,而非直接刺激股市。 财政部职能已扩展至宏观经济管理,但其决策流程复杂,审批流程较长,决策速度相对较慢。财政政策的制定需要考虑多方因素,包括GDP目标、地方政府债务、税制改革等。 市场对财政政策的预期,往往以"4万亿"刺激计划为参照,期望值较高。周六财政部发布会可能在现有财政额度内推出政策,规模可能有限。 当前财政政策更侧重于动员部委,而非地方政府,原因在于地方政府财力不足以及体制机制的固化。解决地方政府财政困境的关键在于更高层面的改革,使其事权与财力、能力相匹配。 全球经济正经历从货币主导向财政主导的转变,市场对政府干预的依赖性增强。财政主导时代,需要理清财政的双重职能,并根据经济模式变化调整宏观经济管理方式。 政府干预经济的频率增加,市场对政府的依赖性增强,导致原有经济模式失效。需要不断创新和调整宏观经济管理方式,避免市场摸透规律。 肖小跑: 发改委发布会后市场反应剧烈,主要原因是信息时代媒体叙事对市场情绪的放大。 下一步最重要的政策是财政政策,其作用不仅在于股市,更在于整体经济基本面的复苏。当前市场情绪波动剧烈,应理性分析政策而非过度解读市场短期表现。 金融三部门、发改委和财政部职能不同,对股市的影响程度也不同。市场对政策的依赖性增强,期待更大规模的刺激。 全球经济正经历从货币主导向财政主导的转变,市场对政府干预的依赖性增强。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the market react negatively to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) press conference?

The market reacted negatively because the press conference ended with an underwhelming sentiment, and media narratives amplified the disappointment. The market often moves based on interpretations and key comments rather than the data or announcements themselves. In the age of social media, this effect is even more pronounced, leading to rapid and intense shifts in market sentiment.

What is the role of the NDRC in relation to the stock market?

The NDRC is not directly responsible for the stock market. Its primary role is to oversee overall economic reforms and adjustments, including industrial policies and national development plans. While it may address capital market improvements, its focus is broader and not specifically on stock market performance.

What are the key differences in the functions of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the Financial Regulatory Bureau, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)?

The PBOC manages macroeconomic monetary policy, the Financial Regulatory Bureau oversees all financial activities except securities, and the CSRC regulates the securities market. Together, they form the financial management framework, directly influencing financial markets and monetary policy.

Why does fiscal policy have more constraints and a longer approval process compared to monetary policy?

Fiscal policy involves resource allocation and has direct implications for public interests, such as taxation and government spending. It requires more checks and balances to prevent misuse of funds, which can lead to government instability. In contrast, monetary policy, like interest rate adjustments, is more about macroeconomic management and doesn't directly involve resource distribution.

What are the expectations for the Ministry of Finance's press conference on October 12?

The market expects the Ministry of Finance to address fiscal stimulus measures, potentially including tax reforms, local government debt resolution, and specific directions for fiscal policy. There is also anticipation of announcements regarding long-term fiscal strategies, such as the issuance of special bonds and tax adjustments to encourage investment and economic recovery.

What is the significance of the shift from monetary to fiscal dominance in global economic management?

The shift reflects a change in how economies are managed, with governments taking a more active role through fiscal measures like tax cuts, subsidies, and public spending. This trend has been accelerated by events like the COVID-19 pandemic, where direct government intervention became crucial. Central banks now have less room for monetary policy maneuvers, as fiscal policies increasingly dictate economic outcomes.

How does the global trend of fiscal dominance impact China's economic policies?

China is also moving towards fiscal dominance, with the government playing a more active role in economic management. This includes direct fiscal interventions like infrastructure investments, tax reforms, and subsidies to stimulate demand. The shift requires China to balance traditional fiscal responsibilities with new macroeconomic management strategies to ensure sustainable economic growth.

  • AI声音还原技术应用于播客节目
  • 市场情绪受媒体叙事影响剧烈波动
  • 信息时代市场反应更快、更剧烈

Shownotes Transcript


自从上期节目以来,市场可谓风云变幻,发生了许多意料之外的事情。周二长假后,全球瞩目、翘首以盼的发改委发布会,却以一种奇怪的氛围收场,当天高涨的市场热情被泼了冷水,第二天更是直接下跌了7%。 不过平心而论,也不能全怪发改委领导,他们已经很努力了,主要还是这个信息时代太特殊。就像我们经常引用一个观点:市场走向并非取决于重磅数据或发布会本身,而是取决于后面的“解读”、“关键词评论”和媒体叙事,市场会凭借这些叙事决定作何反应。自媒体时代,这个现象更加明显。 我们最近做的叙事研究也能看出:流量时代,市场情绪变化更快、更剧烈。主流媒体都已经向流量投降了: “惊天逆转!”、“极度失望!”、“他们在发布会上说了这些……”。所以,情绪还是那些老情绪,规律也差不多,只不过反转频率越来越高,节点时间越来越短。今天看多,明天看空,电风扇一样。 所以在这个时候,最好不要评论市场,看历史以及分析政策更安全客观。 说到政策,下一步最重要的就是财政政策如何发力了——不仅仅为了股市,更是为了整个经济基本面的真正复苏。周六(10月12日)财政部要开发布会,而市场现在的心情就像女孩面对渣男男朋友,又期待又谨慎,既想听听他会怎么哄自己,又担心再次失望。 所以,本期我们还是理性分析一下财政政策——一个非常复杂、也是大家需要搞清楚的基础问题。 ·时间戳·(稍后会有详细文字分析和专栏文章,请大家关注《墙裂坛》公众号) 00:02:31 发改委发布会:万众期待的发布会,竟以很奇怪的情绪结尾了:且看信息时代和媒体叙事如何放大市场情绪的“电风扇”。 00:04:20 发改委和股市刺激有直接关系吗?市场对“9.24新政”后的政策期待有什么理解误区? 00:09:57 “发布会”都和股市有关吗?金融三部门(央行、金融监管总局、证监会)、发改委、财政部的职能比较。 00:16:07 从政策的自主权限上来看,谁的自主权限最大?为什么财政的条条框框最多,审批流程最复杂? -政策制定者是怎么想的?把今年的任务完成掉、GDP“保五”、稳住大家信心 -市场是怎么预期的?以“4万亿”作为参照,期待比“4”更大规模刺激。 00:24:32 周六更值得期待的:财税体制改革的具体方向——地方政府有哪些税收来源可以保障收入?**除了征收消费税、遗产税、房地产税等,还可以通过哪些减税降税措施鼓励企业发展和投资?另一个更值得关注的:地方政府事权与财权、能力不匹配的问题有什么解决方案?当然,这并非财政部单方面能够解决,需要更高层面的改革,比如二十届三中全会提到的,如何让地方政府事权与其财力和能力相匹配,这才是解决地方政府财政困境的关键。 00:29:25 我们propose一个最佳方案. 00:31:53 如何理解“真正解决问题需要动员部委,而不是地方政府”? 00:34:02 前瞻指引和 “药不能停”:市场对政策的依赖性增强。 -过去40年,全球经济经历了一个“**货币主导”**的黄金时代:**自由市场理念为全球主导,央行扮演着经济“裁判”角色,通过灵活调整货币政策引导经济发展。中央银行与商业银行的协同作用,共同影响着贷款利率、贷款意愿,以及整体的货币供应。 -而现在进入“**财政主导”模式:政府财政政策直接影响经济活动。巨额的公共债务和财政赤字成为影响经济的主要因素,中央银行的货币政策空间被压缩,其决策不得不考虑财政政策的影响。“鲍威尔心中必须有耶伦”。 00:43:59 索罗斯曾将经济新自由主义的兴起称为“百年大泡沫”的开端,此观点颇具前瞻性。一种有效的市场运行模式一旦被市场参与者摸到规律,并利用这规律与市场对赌,这种运行模式就会逐步衰竭直至崩溃。 延伸阅读: 《从日本股灾与范仲淹智慧,理解“财政主导”》 —  End  — 主播|刘晓春 肖小跑 编辑|坛子 互动方式 坛友群:请添加坛子微信(BKsufe)