Legend. When used to describe an individual, it’s a term not to be used lightly. We’ve obviously had our share of legends join us here in our 200+ episodes but if you were to ask me if there is one that stands above the rest, my answer would be an easy one: Our 100th episode special guests, Drs. James & Janice Prochaska, who created the Stages of Change we’ve all utilized, even if we didn’t realize it.
Before we jump into the interview, let me give you a brief overview of the 6 Stages of Change so you have a baseline for the deeper discussion an application that follows:
1. Precontemplation – not ready; not intending to take action in next 6 months
2. Contemplation – getting ready; intending to take action in the next 6 months
3. Preparation – ready to take action in next 30 days
4. Action – have made the behavior change but for less than 6 months
5. Maintenance – doing the new healthy behavior for more than 6 months
6. Termination – confident with the change; not tempted to relapse
To access the video version of the interview mentioned, please see https://youtu.be/Vowpa6T4_PA)Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST 5 here), a brief weekly bullet point list of 5 ideas, concepts or boosts Dr. Cooper has discovered to improve your personal and professional life!For more information about the Catalyst Community, earning your health & wellness coaching certification, the annual Rocky Mountain Coaching Retreat & Symposium and much more, please see https://www.catalystcoachinginstitute.com/) or reach out to us [email protected])
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Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST COMPASS here), a brief weekly compilation of ideas, evidence-based concepts and encouragement to improve your personal and professional life!
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