Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Ironman, the Avengers… Super heroes not only dominate at the theater box office, they’re an integral part of our society, our world. But can we tap into ways in which to become our own version of a superhero in real life? As you’ll discover in today’s interview, the answer is a resounding “yes.”
Welcome to the Catalyst Health, Wellness & Performance Coaching Podcast. Today’s guest is Dr. Janina Scarlet, a licensed clinical psychologist, award-winning author and, as she describes herself, full-time geek. She’s the developer of Superhero therapy, which incorporates superheroes and other characters into evidence-based therapy such as CBT and acceptance & commitment therapy. It’s a process utilized across all ages to treat anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic illness, substance abuse and more. For all of us who have always wanted to be a superhero, Dr. Scarlet will take us down that path today!Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST 5 here), a brief weekly bullet point list of 5 ideas, concepts or boosts Dr. Cooper has discovered to improve your personal and professional life!Interested in Dr. Scarlet's books?
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Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST COMPASS here), a brief weekly compilation of ideas, evidence-based concepts and encouragement to improve your personal and professional life!
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