Whether you’re a coach, physician, parent, teacher or friend, there is a communication style available that will allow you to draw out (not force onto) wisdom and answers that exist within those with whom you spend time. This established approach can make all the difference not only in your connection with the individual but also in helping them achieve their desired results. We’ll talk about it with one of the best in the business in today’s episode.
Welcome to the Catalyst Health, Wellness & Performance Coaching Podcast. Today’s discussion is certain to help you become a better coach, clinician, friend, parent, leader and even spouse. We’ll be discussing Motivational Interviewing – or MI – with one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic: Dr. Jonathan Fader. Dr. Fader is a clinical and performance psychologist in New York. He works regularly with professional athletes from both major league baseball as well as the NFL, as well as entrepreneurs, businesses, schools and health care professionals. He also speaks to audiences worldwide on topics of motivation, performance, stress and team building and was kind enough to join us today for a conversation that is quite applicable to every one of us.Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST 5 here), a brief weekly bullet point list of 5 ideas, concepts or boosts Dr. Cooper has discovered to improve your personal and professional life!For more information about the Catalyst Community, earning your health & wellness coaching certification, the annual Rocky Mountain Coaching Retreat & Symposium and much more, please see https://www.catalystcoachinginstitute.com/) or reach out to us [email protected])
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If you are a current or future health & wellness coach, please check out our Health & Wellness Coaching Forum Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/278207545599218). This is an awesome group if you are looking for encouragement,
Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST COMPASS here), a brief weekly compilation of ideas, evidence-based concepts and encouragement to improve your personal and professional life!
Info re earning your health & wellness coaching certification, annual Rocky Mountain Coaching Retreat & Symposium & more via https://www.catalystcoachinginstitute.com/)
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Contact us: [email protected]: @Catalyst2Thrive)Website: CatalystCoaching360.com)If you are a current or future health & wellness coach, please check out our Health & Wellness Coaching Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/278207545599218). This is a wonderful group if you are looking for encouragement, ideas, resources and more.