What is the potential connection between heat therapy, exercise, cognition and Alzheimer’s? Are hot tubs and saunas good for our health? And what is happening at the molecular level when it comes to chronic diseases and does that provide any additional clues about how to live our lives? Those questions and more are on the table today as Dr. Paige Geiger joins us here on the latest episode – our 301st episode! - of the Catalyst 360 podcast – your source for engaging, evidence-based health, wellness & performance insights.
I met our guest, Dr. Geiger, when she presented some of her research about heat therapy and alzheimers at a recent health & exercise science seminar. Her background includes undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and English Literature, a PhD in Physiology from Mayo Graduate School in MN and postdoctoral work in Florence, Italy and the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis – which caught my attention since that’s where Suzanna & I met while attending graduate school ourselves. Dr. Geiger’s research is fascinating, applicable and her engaging personality – perhaps seen in her choice to combine Chemistry and English Literature degrees – makes this a fun discussion. You can follow Dr. Geiger's work via https://paigegeiger.substack.com/)
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