Is it better to pursue short-term pleasure or long-term goals? Are hedonic goals a bad thing or a valuable resource? How do these relate to stress, willpower, goal-setting strategies and more? Dr. Katharina Bernecker, a former PhD student of Dr. Carol Dweck and now working in Zurich, shares her engaging and powerful insights in this unedited interview originally produced for the Catalyst Health, Wellness & Performance Coaching Podcast ( for the edited version, which is also available via any podcast outlet). Her research was the same used by outstanding Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Gay in his September 2020 column on whether we should be pursuing long-term goals or giving into our short-term desires. Her insights were so powerful we decided to share an unedited video version of the interview in advance to our YouTube subscribers. And yes, she was also kind enough to share insights into the real Dr. Carol Dweck (Growth Mindset). This was a wonderful, insightful, thought-provoking discussion with one of the experts in the field. We trust you'll enjoy it. The unedited early release video version of the interview is available at the YouTube Coaching Channel here: noted toward the end, the best way to follow Dr. Bernecker is via twitter @KathaBerneckerFor more details about health and wellness coaching, please see or contact us anytime [email protected]
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