In a world where understanding oneself has become an elusive quest, the Enneagram emerges as a captivating tool of self-discovery. A symbol shrouded in mystery, this ancient system of personality typing invites individuals to explore the intricate layers of their inner psyche. Like a mirror reflecting the complexity of human nature, the Enneagram offers nine distinct archetypes, each representing a unique lens through which we view ourselves and interact with the world. Today we will be unraveling the tapestry of motivations, fears, and desires with one of the world’s top enneagram experts on our journey of self-discovery and movement toward Better Than Yesterday.
Welcome to the Catalyst 360 podcast. Today’s guest is Dr. Beatrice Chestnut, one of the most authoritative voices and thought leaders in the modern Enneagram movement and author of multiple exceptional books on the subject, several of which we have in our home library and we’ll include links to both in the podcast description. She is a licensed psychotherapist, coach and business consultant and has been studying and working with the Enneagram for almost 30 years. As you’ll pick up in our discussion, she is also committed to “walking the talk” in her Enneagram work, using it as a tool for her own life-long inner work. Dr. Chestnut's resources** available here.**)
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