We lose approximately 1% of our muscle mass after the age of 40. Ahhh – 1% - what’s the big deal, right? Well – for the muscular athlete, the 3% lost from age 40-43 may be barely noticeable, but what about the 25% lost by age 65 in the unconditioned office worker who doesn’t have much extra muscle to begin with? It can dramatically reduce function and decrease both quality and years of life.
But the application of the research isn’t limited to aging. It also can bring benefits to surgical outcomes, allow athletes to extend their careers, and improve the lives of your coaching clients, friends and family members. Soon to be Dr. Giulia Coletta has been focusing her research on the practical aspects of protein intake, activity levels and other steps we can all take to positively traverse this fork in the road of life and is here to share those with us today. She has worked very closely with Dr. Stuart Phillips, one of our most popular guests on the podcast almost 4 years ago.
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