In this short, 6-minute episode, Steve tells the story of a young boy named Jack Bennett who befriended the man next store, Mr. Belser. Years later, after Jack had grown up and moved away, he receives a phone call from his mom letting him know that Mr. Belser had passed away.Jack flies home for the funeral and discovers that a gold box that had been locked on the top of Mr. Belser's desk, was missing. That box was there for Jack's entire childhood and whenever he would ask Mr. Belser what was in it, he would always reply "The thing I value most."Listen to this inspirational reminder of what’s really important in life, and find out exactly what was in the gold box.To** stay connected with Better Place Project and for updates and behind the scenes info, please follow us on social media:Website:**
Instagram: @BetterPlaceProj To follow Steve & Erin on Instagram:@SteveNorrisOfficial @Erinorris
Facebook: @BetterPlaceProjEmail: [email protected])
To** stay connected with Better Place Project and for updates and behind the scenes info, please follow us on social media:Website:**
Instagram: @BetterPlaceProj To follow Steve on Instagram@SteveNorrisOfficialFacebook: @BetterPlaceProjEmail: [email protected])