Davidji is an internationally recognized meditation expert, stress-management counselor, corporate trainer and author of the award-winning Secrets of Meditation: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace & Personal Transformation, and of the upcoming book on managing your stress through meditation: Destressifying: The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, Lasting Fulfillment, and Peace of Mind. He created the 21-daymeditation challenge, and his voice can be heard on more than 300 guided meditations,including his best-selling CD, Fill What is Empty; Empty What is Full, and his latest release, the critically acclaimed Ayurvedic opera Journey to Infinity with sound healers SacredFire.After a 20-year career in business, finance, and mergers and acquisitions, davidji begana new journey to wholeness, which he found through meditation. He apprenticedunder Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon, serving as the Chopra Center COO, LeadEducator and then as the first Dean of Chopra Center University, training more than200,000 people to meditate and certifying more than 1,000 meditation teachers.He has since left the Chopra Center to travel the world teaching the practicalintegration of meditation, mindfulness, conscious choice making, and ancient wisdominto our real-world, modern-day experiences. For more than 12 years davidji hashelped thousands of people around the world to be more reflective and less reflexive,make better decisions, sleep better, enhance their relationships, experienceabundance, and live a purpose-driven life.davidji is a certified Vedic Master, and every month, throughout the world, he hostsempowerment workshops, life-change immersions, exotic spiritual retreats, andteacher trainings.To learn more about davidji:https://davidji.com/Buy davidji's books:https://davidji.com/books/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/flowofloveInstagram:@davidjimeditation
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