An electric conversation with Ada Limón's wisdom and her poetry — a refreshing, full-body experience of how this way with words and sound and silence teaches us about being human at all times, but especially now. With an unexpected and exuberant mix of gravity and laughter — laughter of delight, and of blessed relief — this conversation holds not only what we have traversed these last years, but how we live forward.
It unfolded at the Ted Mann Concert Hall in Minneapolis, in collaboration with Northrop at the University of Minnesota and Ada Limón's publisher, Milkweed Editions.
Ada Limón is the 24th Poet Laureate of the United States. She’s written six books of poetry, most recently, The Hurting Kind)*. Her volume The Carrying) won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry, and her volume Bright Dead Things) was *a finalist for the National Book Award. She is a former host of the poetry podcast The Slowdown), and she teaches in the MFA program at Queens University of Charlotte, in North Carolina.
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