❤ Level up your Chinese Subscription course (TOCFL Band B and above)Learning through real-life materials ➡️ https://mandarin-with-miss-lin.teachable.com/p/misslin-monthly-subscription)► time code1:36 你在新加坡住多久了? How long have you lived in Singapore?1:59 為什麼一開始想去新加坡? Why did you want to go to Singapore in the first place?2:13 新加坡人對臺灣的第一印象是什麼? What's singaporean's first impression of Taiwanese people?2:57 新加坡人可以馬上聽得出來我們的口音不一樣 Singaporean can distinguish our accent differences very fast.3:42 我對新加坡華語的刻板印象 My Stereotype to Singaporean Mandarin/Singlish4:14 Lily 給了一些真實生活的例子 Lily gave her real-life examples about Singlish5:03 新家坡華語 跟 臺灣華語的差別 (十個例子) Differences between Singaporean Mandarin and Taiwanese Mandarin (10 examples )7:03 怎麼說 "to pay"? how to say to pay? ❤ Watch this episode on YT with subtitles https://youtu.be/JGkfC4hCu6A)❤ if you're beginner or pre-intermediate level and wish to speak naturally ⬇️Conversation training course https://mandarin-with-miss-lin.teachable.com/p/conversationtrainingcourse)❤ Support my work & Study PDFs and audios of each YT video 👉 https://www.patreon.com/MandarinWithMissLin )♡About me: I was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. I graduated from University de Savoie Mont Blanc, with a Master degree in Applied Foreign Language. Currently living in France. I speak Chinese, English, French, and now I'm self-learning Japanese. I love teaching and I’m also a language enthusiast! My goal is to help students speak Taiwanese Mandarin naturally and discover Taiwanese culture at the same time. ❤ Online private lesson on zoom /Cours privé en ZOOM https://mandarinwithmisslin.wordpress.com/online-lesson/
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