So Pokémon, brilliant diamond shining pearl, it's pretty well ported, it isn't super buggy. It'S pretty smooth to play. I'D say the biggest problems are that it feels like too faithful of a port from a handheld console to the TV. What is the biggest problems or any Pokémon game? It'S too easy, but realistically this one specifically there was just way too many times. You have to press the confirmation button. It'S it's pretty pretty slow, like the Oregon helmet for this game are pretty poor. I would say over everything else like gym, design is kind of boring stories, boring it's not super exciting of a game, but as far as just like a call you a poor like the biggest thing, that's really probably bugging me is that it's not super smooth. Just going through like menus and dialogue in the battle, there's like it is a AAA AAA, you're spamming, a and B as quickly as you can to try to get through this slow menus and loading screens and battle intros, and all that it's just super time consuming. It feels really like I said it feels really lacking in the economics department.