Myocart live home circuit, it's easily one of the most delightful and creative products, creating the last two years. What it is it's a real life, Marioc cart with the camera stuck to it, so it does AR on the Nintendo switch it's a little bit overpriced. I think it MRRP peas about $ 130, something like that. So half the price of the Nintendo console bundled with Marioccart eight, the latest version of Mario kart, but it's such a delightful concept and play around with the flash few days I and I'm getting a super slick Black Friday deal. I got it down to like $ 20 after buying a bunch of Apple gift cards for something else. I was gon na purchase anyway, but it is just polished every last detail. This is polished. It works very well, there really limited shelflife. Are you know it drives around in circles around the kitchen island and their living room? We don't really have enough space to create very many creative circuits, although it's super quick and easy to get started with the light cardboard cut out gates that come included with the game and if you're very realistic like it is, the exact same experience is playing Mario Kart, the video game, it's a lot! It'S it's such a unique and awesome product, even though it's something that you only get to experience a couple times before you come down with it um yeah. This is really interesting to think about. It'S really interesting to think about companies, green lighting products, which will probably not be profitable. I suppose you can do a limited run, but you know this is not a project that you greenlight, because it's going to become a cash cow. That'S like a project. You greenlight, because it's probably the most innovative, interesting thing Nintendo is done as a company since the launch of the switch him. You know they basically replicate the Mario kart experience on 1/25 scale on like a little car, you can race around your house um, it's crazy! You get two players and two switches and you can remote control. Two of these I mean it's just it's a really polished product. It'S the one I think of now, when I think of a delightful user experience or first experience, it just blows my mind that a game company created today, that's it