Today on NOW & NEXT:The SSN team is coming off an historic weekend. It's the FIRST TIME since we launched the Network in April 2021 that we all met face to face, as in IN PERSON! We attended Podcamp Toronto at Toronto Metropolitan University. It was a great opportunity to meet "our kind". Also graet to see the excitement around podcasting. I sat in on a lots of terrific discussions but the BEST takeaway was in the first session on Saturday morning.Tom Webster, from the Sounds Profitable podcast, gave a talk on getting to know your audience!So, I'm going to follow up. You have an open invitation to chat over coffee. Almost like an Ask Me Anything except I'm going to follow Tom's advice literally - and get to know you!If you're interested, shoot me an email [email protected]. Make "Coffee Chat with Dave" the Subject line and we'll endevour to carve out fifteen minutes or so to chat!You can also connect via social media. @DaveTrafford finds me on Twitter, IG and Facebook. I'm also easy to find on LinkedIn, if that's where you play:)ALSO, in this episode..I'm a Porter Airlines fan, but OMG the inaugural Halifax to YYZ round trip was a complete and utter Cluster F##K.