Today on NOW and NEXT:John Tory's endorsement of Ana Bailao as the next mayor of Toronto may not be a surprise but it is the most noteworthy announcement we've heard during the course of this campaign. Is it too little too late?Not at all. This campaign would need a supercharged dose of adrenalin to be considered anything more exciting than "sleepy". Up until now, Olivia Chow's name has been top of mind for many, thanks in large part to the media's willingness to report on the robo-polls that simply measure name recognition. Chow has received endless earn media and increased name recognition because the reporting has primarily focussed on the horserace numbers.But as of Wednesday afternoon, Bailoa's name is in every headline and news story about the campaign simply because John Tory has given the former Deputy Mayor his blessing. Considering the short attention span of the electorate in this campaign, being the top of mind name heading into the final four days before election day can't be a bad thing for the Bailao campaign.ALSO:We feature episode 6 of the first show we produced at Story Studio Network. In this edition of The Next Normal we explore the post COVID Innovation Culture.