### 類別| Category
生活 & 工作 | Life & Work
### 語言 | Language
普通話 | Mandarin Chinese
### 概述 | Summary
Zizheng 在一次閒聊中不斷追問他的姥爺「閉目養神」究竟爲何。老年人精神慢慢消退,自然會把它回收;這同「打坐」、「冥想」有關係嗎?
During a casual conversation, Zizheng kept asking his grandpa what he meant by "resting with closed eyes." It seems that as people age, their energy naturally declines and they find ways to conserve it; how does this relate to “meditation”?
The probing did not yield a verbal answer but a glimpse of the carefree attitude was evident.
### Voices | 聲音
- Zizheng)
- Zizheng 的姥爺
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### 關於|About
建築性觀察、藝術 & 哲學、環境錄音、生活 & 工作——「WūJīMāChā 對話」以一種略微推敲但不曾精雕細琢的方式記錄日常對話。語言爲中文普通話和英文,並配有雙語摘要。
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Architectural Observation, Art & Philosophy, Field Recording, Life & Work—the WūJīMāChā Dialogue documents everyday conversations in a somehow dusted but never polished fashion. Conversations are conducted mostly in Mandarin Chinese and English, supported by bilingual summaries.
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