We're BACK! We've unearthed the microphones from under all the empty wine bottles, fish and chip wrappers, and slightly damp Speedos, ready to hit the ground running with a fantastic Season 3 line-up. We can't wait to get going, partly because our first episode (coming very soon) is different from anything we've ever done before...So if you like wine chat, a bit of a laugh, giveaways, fascinating guests, top wine tips, competitions, the odd recipe (did we say FREE WINE?) and the constant chance of over-sharing, this is the place for you. Plenty of you seem to like hanging out here (everyone is welcome after all): we've hit the Top 5 in the GB Food: All Time charts (Chartable), you guys are now listening in more than 140 countries PLUS we're up for a major podcast award! Thanks for your support, keep tuning in, here's to the power of wine + podcasting 🙏🥂