cover of episode softspot#92 在人生的岔路口,我掏出了星盘 |Can horoscope be our life coach?

softspot#92 在人生的岔路口,我掏出了星盘 |Can horoscope be our life coach?

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Soft Spot

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人的一生面临无数抉择时刻,如果理性思考已无济于事,借助宇宙的力量会如何?星盘、塔罗、水晶球会给我们什么答案?心理医生能帮我找工作吗?本期Soft Spot我们将分享看星盘、咨询心理医生的亲身经历,希望给面临生活彷徨中的朋友们一些灵感。节目前段依旧是我们的日常唠嗑、好物(主要是吃)分享,不要错过哦~

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时间线: 00:11 本周Highlight和Lowlight更新 06:55 Money going :主要是吃的分享 37:10 Tips of this week :星盘和心理咨询

涉及品牌: 饮料:每日橄清 零食:八仙果 会员:88VIP 零食:俄罗斯22号甜辣蒜蓉酱

When logic and rationale can’t help us make the countless important life decisions, can we count on the universe and crystal balls? How can psychologists help us make wiser decisions? Check out this episode of Soft Spot where we share our first-hand experience with horoscope reading and psychotherapy. Of course, if you’re just here for some chit-chat and lifestyle recommendations, we’ve got you covered as well!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM/BiliBili searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]