cover of episode softspot#86 独居“阳妞”自救指南!听我的,躺平摆烂 | COVID survival tips  for single ladies

softspot#86 独居“阳妞”自救指南!听我的,躺平摆烂 | COVID survival tips for single ladies

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千防万防,我们的扛把子主播Zane还是破防了,用一周在“阳间”走了一圈,并全方位体会了水泥鼻、吞小刀、高热干咳和味觉嗅觉丧失。回到“阴间”,敬业的Zane决定以身说法,分享自我疗愈期间的“不正经”小妙招、意想不到小利器,希望能为焦虑、担忧的独居“阴间”人们带来一剂强心剂。此外本周居家的两位主播还带来了新鲜的cultural highlight&lowlight, 快来收听吧!

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时间线: 00:10 本周小小update 06:20 Zane的culture lowlight:日剧《初恋》 22:47 Rita的highlight:南派三叔《花夜前行》 29:36 独居“阳妞”自救指南

涉及书籍及剧集: 书籍:《花夜前行》by南派三叔 剧集:《初恋》

After taking careful prevention measures and self isolation, our host Zane still got down with C-O-V-I-D. Fortunately, she survived after getting the whole package — high fever, stuffed nose, sore throat and the loss of taste and smell. Wonder how she made it through by herself? Check out this episode of Soft Spot for some unexpected survival tips!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM/BiliBili searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]