寒冷的天气,混乱的世界,有时候我们很难对生活保持激情和感恩,难过、愤怒、困惑成为日常。如何跳脱出来重新发现快乐?我们发现了“愉悦清单”。曾罹患抑郁者的英国作家马特·海格在《活下去的理由》中写下长长的清单,记录那些让自己感到愉悦、快乐的瞬间和事物。当你下次陷入负面情绪漩涡时,不妨和我们一起列一份愉悦清单,时常拿出来回顾并写下新的美好吧。在探讨愉悦清单前,我们还分享了上周的weekly highlights和购物清单,欢迎收听~
你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客、B站等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们 或通过这个邮箱:[email protected] 告诉我们你的想法
时间线: 00:20 本周小闲聊 03:30 Money Going:养生专场 21:30 写一份愉悦清单吧
涉及产品及品牌: 养生:肩颈盐袋艾灸热敷包马甲 湿巾:珍爱金银花消毒湿巾 喷雾:云南白药气雾剂
The weather is gloomy. The world is chaotic. Sometimes we find it really hard to stay positive and seek happiness in life. How can we escape from sadness, madness and feeling of lost? Well, try write down some reasons for staying alive, like English writer Matt Haig suggests. Next time you feel blue, try come up a list of things that bring you warmth and pleasure. Before sharing our lists, we also talk about our weekly highlights and shopping lists. Stay tuned!
You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM/BiliBili searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]