从什么时候开始,“普通”成了一个贬义词?似乎年少有为、一夜暴富才是成功的象征?我们每个人都是普通人,过着平凡普通的生活,但这并不代表我们不够优秀,并不代表我们不能把每一天过得开心快乐。这一期我们讨论了何为“普通”,发现那些艺术家、那些我们眼中的明星其实也会为日复一日的生活所焦灼,在平凡中向着不平凡努力着,所以让我们都过好自己普通人的快乐生活吧~ 你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们 或通过这个邮箱:[email protected] 告诉我们你的想法
时间线: 01:33 Rita上一周崩溃时刻 04:08 Zane为上一周打了平均分 05:44 Zane‘s Money Going :眼镜分享 14:40 Rita‘s Money Going :护甲水 22:40 Tips of this week:承认自己普通没有错 & 关于30岁的焦虑
涉及品牌及剧集: 眼镜:LINDBERG 护甲水:MAVALA 电影:《tick tick..boom!》
Starting from when “being normal” became negative? It’s as if we all have to make a fortune and achieve great success at the early stage of our adult life. Come on, we’re all normal people leading ordinary life! But of course, that doesn’t mean we are not special or extraordinary or having a great life. In this episode, we talk about the positive side of being normal. We found even those people we consider “successful” struggle in their normal life. So, let’s all focus on ourselves and being the best normal us.
You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]