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**This Episode has EVERYTHING!**It's got:
- Warm Temperatures!
- Fog!
- Sucking Cock in Hell!
- Missing/Fused Appendages!
- Empathy Simulator!
- Karens!
- "The Running Man"!
- Flying Time!
- Daylight Savings Time Sucks! Let's Make it Permanent!
- Dave Loves Marshmallows!
- ICQ!
- Dave's Mom was Orally Fixated!
- A/S/L?
- Paul Was Groomed By Early Online Perverts!
- Foraging for Forest Porn!
- Napster Pirates!
- Calculator Boobs!
- The Song Styling of Mr. Michael Boobless!
- We Not Only Entertain - We Educate!
- Dave Isn't A Fan of Spiders!
- Parachuting Spiders!
- Spiders the Size of Your Fist!
- Party Lime Spiders!
- Forest Witch!
- Snake Island!
- Dave's Biggest Fear is Paul Dying First!
- Mouthsplosions!
- Food, Drinks, and Books!
- Walt Disney World Circa 1980!
- Bob Chapek is a Douche!
- Space Mountain Was NOT A Pavilion!
Episode Links (In Order):
- Benjamin Bratt's Nose Job!)
- Horology!)
- Jussie Smollett in Psychiatric Ward!)
- "Arachnophobia"!)
- Bird Eating Spider in Australia!)
- Joro Spider!)
- Giant Spiders Are Invading the East Coast!)
- Maybe Not, Actually!)
- Garter Snakes!)
- Fer-De-Lance Snake!)
- Snake Island! The Real One!)
- Bob Chapek is a Douche!)
- "Not Another Teen Movie" Albino!)
**MUSIC CREDIT!**Opening Music Graciously Supplied By:
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