cover of episode Our New Year's Resolutions for Football in 2025

Our New Year's Resolutions for Football in 2025

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Football Ramble

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Andy Russell
Marcus Speller
Pete Donaldson
Pete Donaldson:为了改善足球比赛,建议使用一氧化碳来平息球迷的过激行为。他认为,在比赛变得过于激烈时,可以使用卡车向球场内喷射一氧化碳,迫使球迷冷静下来。 这种方法虽然有效,但也存在争议,环保人士可能会提出异议。此外,该方法只适用于球场内,无法解决球场外的球迷问题。 为了解决球场外的球迷问题,Pete 建议使用俱乐部赞助的车辆追逐球迷,并向他们喷射废气。这虽然能有效控制球迷行为,但也存在安全隐患和环保问题。 Andy Russell:建议对在采访中使用“足球俱乐部”短语的球员和教练施以更严厉的处罚,认为该短语多余且掩盖了管理层的问题。 Andy 认为,球员和教练应该直接使用“俱乐部”一词,避免使用“足球俱乐部”这种冗余的表达方式。他认为,这种做法可以使发言更简洁明了,并避免模糊责任。 对于处罚方式,Andy 没有给出具体的建议,但他强调处罚应该足够严厉,以起到警示作用。 Marcus Speller:建议取消点球罚球时故意停顿的现象,认为这种行为对进攻方有利,并建议对这种行为进行处罚。 Marcus 认为,点球罚球时故意停顿是一种不公平的行为,它破坏了比赛的公平性,并让守门员处于不利地位。他建议,如果球员在点球罚球时故意停顿,应该给予警告或处罚。 Marcus 还建议,裁判应该对这种行为进行更严格的监管,以确保比赛的公平性。 Irish Kev:建议比赛计时应该在受伤时暂停,就像美国大学足球比赛那样,以减少时间浪费。 Irish Kev 认为,目前的比赛计时方式存在时间浪费的问题,球员可能会故意倒地以拖延时间。他建议,比赛计时应该在受伤时暂停,这样可以减少时间浪费,并提高比赛效率。 此外,他还指出,这种计时方式可以使比赛结束时间更明确,避免裁判主观判断带来的争议。 Stevie Jackson:建议如果掷界外球超过15秒未执行,则判给对方球队;如果开球超过15秒未执行,则判为角球。 Stevie Jackson 认为,15秒的时间限制可以有效地减少比赛中的时间浪费,提高比赛效率。他认为,这个时间限制既可以惩罚那些故意拖延时间的球员,也可以鼓励球员更快地执行比赛。 此外,他还认为,这个规则可以减少裁判的主观判断,提高比赛的公平性。 Ryan:建议故意犯规应该直接红牌罚下,认为这种行为是不公平的,应该受到更严厉的处罚。 Ryan 认为,故意犯规是一种不尊重比赛和对手的行为,它破坏了比赛的公平性,应该受到更严厉的处罚。他建议,故意犯规应该直接红牌罚下,以起到警示作用。 Ryan 还认为,这种处罚方式可以减少比赛中的犯规次数,提高比赛的观赏性。 LFC:建议门将在两个禁区内都可以用手触球,认为这可以增加比赛的刺激性和观赏性。 LFC 认为,允许门将在两个禁区内都可以用手触球,可以增加比赛的不确定性,提高比赛的观赏性。他们认为,这可以使比赛更加精彩,并吸引更多的球迷。 然而,这种规则的改变也可能导致比赛的混乱,需要进一步的讨论和研究。 Mike:建议应该允许球员像冰球一样打架,认为这可以解决比赛中的许多纪律问题。 Mike 认为,允许球员打架可以减少比赛中的假摔和恶意犯规,提高比赛的公平性。他认为,球员可以通过打架来解决矛盾,避免使用其他不公平的手段。 然而,这种规则的改变也可能导致比赛的暴力程度增加,需要进一步的讨论和研究。 Justin:建议每周随机选择一支球队必须让Jonjo Shelvey首发中场,认为这可以增加比赛的趣味性和不确定性。 Justin 认为,让Jonjo Shelvey首发中场可以增加比赛的不确定性,提高比赛的观赏性。他认为,这可以使比赛更加精彩,并吸引更多的球迷。 此外,他还认为,这可以给其他球员带来压力,提高他们的比赛水平。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is Pete Donaldson's proposal to calm down hooligans during football matches?

Pete suggests pumping carbon monoxide into the stadium using trucks connected to the vents or air conditioning. This would force everyone to calm down, especially when the atmosphere gets too intense.

Why does Andy Russell want stronger penalties for using the phrase 'football club' in interviews?

Andy believes the phrase is superfluous and overused, often disassociating the speaker from the situation. He thinks it’s unnecessary since everyone knows they’re talking about a football club, and he proposes stronger penalties for its use.

What is Andy Russell's serious New Year's resolution for football in 2025?

Andy wants major European leagues to reduce their number of teams to 18. He argues that the current volume of football is unsustainable and that fewer teams would improve player welfare, fan experience, and the quality of the game.

What is the most common issue listeners want tackled in football, according to the podcast?

Listeners are most concerned about time wasting. Many suggest adopting a countdown clock that pauses during stoppages, similar to college soccer in America, to eliminate the advantage of delaying the game.

What is Ryan's suggestion for dealing with professional fouls in football?

Ryan proposes that professional fouls, defined as deliberate fouls with no intent to play the ball, should result in a straight red card. He believes this would reduce cheating and lead to more goals and fairer play.

What is Justin's humorous suggestion for a weekly football rule change?

Justin suggests that every week, one randomly selected team should be required to start Jonjo Shelvey in midfield, adding an element of unpredictability and humor to the game.

What is Pete Donaldson's argument for allowing beer in football stands?

Pete argues that banning beer in stands encourages binge drinking before matches. He believes allowing beer during games would reduce this behavior and enhance the matchday experience, especially given the low alcohol content of stadium beer.

The Football Ramble podcast kicks off 2025 with New Year's resolutions for football. The hosts discuss their own resolutions, including ideas to improve the game and reduce hooliganism, and introduce listener suggestions.
  • New Year's resolutions for football in 2025
  • reducing hooliganism with carbon monoxide
  • stronger penalties for overuse of "football club"
  • dealing with time-wasting in penalties

Shownotes Transcript

Happy new year Ramblers! See ya later, 2024. Let's be having you 2025.

New year, same old Ramble, but should football stay the same? Well, given its current state, perhaps a few changes could bring a bit of normality back to the game (or in Pete's case, even more beautiful chaos).

Join Marcus, Pete & Andy as they propose the changes they'd like to see in football in 2025, plus we hear the best of your suggestions too!

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