Raymond Anderson wrote the textbook on credit risk modelling, two of them in fact, and so when I was looking for someone to help me lay the foundation for How to Lend Money to Strangers, his name was top of my list.
How to Lend Money to Strangers will be a far-ranging show, in time hearing from lenders big and small, and in markets across the developed and developing world, but first, before we embark on that adventure,
I wanted to learn more about the forces that shaped the industry we know today. Raymond walks us through that journey, from spies in royal courts to FICO scores to machine learning, before I turn the spotlight on him to find out about some of the projects that have kept him interested in credit scoring for so long.
You can find out more about Raymond’s books at https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-credit-scoring-toolkit-9780199226405?cc=gb&lang=en&)
You can find a full written transcript of the show at https://www.howtolendmoneytostrangers.show/episodes/episode-01)
And you can read my basic overview of scorecard building at https://www.howtolendmoneytostrangers.show/articles/the-very-basics-of-scorecards)
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