We Speak About:
Attracting new customers doesn’t always succeed on the first try, and these types of shoppers, who have not yet purchased your product, are known as non-buyers.
So how do you promote customer conversion? Sometimes influencing the amount of times a person comes into contact with your ads will promote purchase behavior.
One marketing strategy used to sway potential customers is through an email sequence.
Stay tuned as we unwrap an email marketing outline by Chase Dimond, and how to tailor the four types of emails designed for customer conversion.
If you’d like to learn more about Trend) and our influencer marketing platform for influencers and brands visit trend.io). You can also follow us for tips on growing your following and running successful campaigns on Instagram) and LinkedIn).
Mentioned Links:
Full thread on non-buyer welcome series by Chase: https://twitter.com/ecomchasedimond/status/1378008560894767104)
Chase’s email newsletter: https://chasedimond.com/chase-email-newsletter)
Chase’s podcast: https://kite.link/chase-dimond-podcast)