Robin's father is experiencing cognitive decline, which is causing him to be angry and unpredictable. His condition is worsening as he approaches the end of life, leading to heightened fear and insecurity.
Robin's mother fell and broke her nose while trying to respond to her husband's yelling. She was on the toilet and caught her foot in her pants while rushing to attend to him.
Robin's father explicitly stated that he did not want to live with dementia, having witnessed his own parents suffer from the condition. Despite this, he is now experiencing cognitive decline.
The recommendation is to hire a care worker to act as an intermediary. This would prevent Robin's mother from being overburdened, even if it means her father may become upset.
Robin's father is scared and feels more secure when his wife is present. His fear of death and cognitive decline drives his need for her constant attention.
Robin's mother feels guilt and grief, even expressing that life might be better after her husband's death. These feelings are normal but weigh heavily on her.
A counselor specializing in gerontology and end-of-life care is suggested to help Robin's father manage his fears and insecurities. Additionally, Robin's mother should also seek counseling to address her emotional burden.
Robin's father's cognitive decline is causing him to be angry and unpredictable.
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