In the debut episode of Homemade Trickery, Self-Inflicted Magic For The Bored Soul, you’ll find a game using only your fingers and your imagination. Join in!
Special thanks to Juan Estaban Varela for giving permission to share this and to my friend Daniel Guedes for the ending thing.
Credits: VARELA, Juan Estaban, “El Anillo Imaginario”, MAGIOGRAFÍA, Espacio
`Vernet, 2008, pp. 11-12.`
VARELA, Juan Estaban, “El Anillo Imaginario”, ZERO ELEMENTS, Vernet, 2014.
Further Readings: STEINMEYER, Jim, “Fives Cards On the March”, FURTHER IMPUZZIBILITIES - Still More Strangely Self-Working Conjuring,
`Hahne, 2006, pp. 10-11.`
Also check: “A Bird in The Hand”, by Steve Mayhew, “Cursed by an Evil Spell”, by Martin Kane and “Fingered”, by Steve Beam.