cover of episode Some Sunny Day: Fallout 76, E3 & More Fallout News

Some Sunny Day: Fallout 76, E3 & More Fallout News

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That Fallout Show

Shownotes Transcript

Welcome to the first episode of That Fallout Show! In this episode there is so much Fallout 76 stuff from E3 to go over. We cover as much current Fallout 76 news as we can, some speculation too. Rick talks about playing Fallout 3 and his never ending quest for those blasted Keller tapes, and Shaline talks about playing Skyrim...on Alexa... Vendor is across the pond! We issue out first ever never done before TFS Challenge AND cover the current lore of Vault 76. A few listener emails and 5 star review shout outs and that is our jam packed first episode. Cannot thank you all enough and we will see you in the Wasteland!
