cover of episode  Special:Sharing the same musical vibration at 30° North Latitude - dunk! Interview|Offside Fest#5

Special:Sharing the same musical vibration at 30° North Latitude - dunk! Interview|Offside Fest#5

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Federico Bernardinelli
Federico Bernardinelli详细介绍了Dunk! Festival的发展历程,从最初由Wult & Marth兄弟及其父亲Luke创立,旨在支持当地乐队,到如今成为欧洲最大的后摇音乐节。他强调了Dunk! Festival的成功与后摇音乐在2000年代的复兴以及团队对音乐的热情和对乐队的支持密不可分。他分享了Dunk! Festival在乐队选择上的标准,并非只局限于后摇,而是追求高质量和多样性,并重视观众的喜好,尝试平衡老乐队和新乐队,以及不同音乐风格的组合。他还谈到了Dunk! Festival面临的挑战,例如人员和资源的限制,以及与其他音乐节的竞争,以及举办成本上升。但他对Dunk! Festival的未来充满信心,并期待与中国音乐节的合作,为更多中国乐队提供舞台。 B作为访谈主持人,引导访谈方向,提出关于Dunk! Festival发展历程、乐队选择标准、面临挑战、与中国音乐节合作等问题,并对Federico的回答进行总结和补充。 B 作为访谈主持人,主要负责引导访谈方向,提出问题,并对访谈内容进行总结。他表达了对Dunk! Festival的赞赏,并对Dunk! Festival的发展历程、乐队选择标准、面临挑战以及与中国音乐节的合作等方面表现出浓厚的兴趣。他引导Federico Bernardinelli详细阐述了Dunk! Festival的成功经验,以及在国际化发展过程中遇到的挑战和机遇。B 还表达了对中国后摇音乐发展前景的期待,以及对Dunk! Festival与中国音乐节合作的期许。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the history and impact of the Dunk! Festival, a prominent post-rock music festival in Europe. It discusses the festival's origins, growth, and its unique connection to the post-rock genre, highlighting its role as a gathering place for fans and bands alike.
  • Dunk! Festival's origins in 2005
  • Its growth and influence in the post-rock community
  • The role of Arctic Drones in connecting Federico with Dunk!
  • The coincidental timing of Dunk!'s rise with the resurgence of post-rock

Shownotes Transcript

📌 Introduction

In July this year, a letter from dunk! to Offside Festival) on social media ignited the Chinese instrumental rock community. As the largest and oldest instrumental/post-rock) music festival in Europe, dunk! festival) has become an annual event and pilgrimage site for post-rock fans since its development in 2005). Almost all the big bands you know have performed here. In this Episode, we are honored to invite its manager Federico to talk about the story behind dunk! and how this precious sound gift came to China across 9,000 kilometers.

今年七月,社媒上一封 dunk! 致 Offside 音乐节的信)点燃了中国的器乐摇滚圈。 作为欧洲最大最悠久的器乐/后摇音乐节,自 2005 年发展至今,dunk!festival 已经成为后摇迷的年度盛事和朝圣地,基本你知道的所有大牌乐队,都在这里有过表演。 本期我们荣幸邀请到了它的经理 Federico 一起来聊聊 dunk! 背后的故事以及这一份珍贵的声音礼物是如何跨越 9000 公里来到中国的。

⏳ Timeline

00:04:40 Theme Discussion 00:36:44 Album Recommendation 00:40:38 Ending(Wang Wen) - Wu Wu Road))

💬 Theme Discussion

💿 Album Recommendation

👏🏻 Guest

Federico Bernardinelli:dunk!) Engagement Manager

IMG_9245.jpg### 🎙 Host

B):Non-mainstream music fan

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