Coaches and comedians Gerry Katzman and Heather Pasternak delve into three key comedy skills that can supercharge your sales and communication game: flow, authenticity, and unflappability.
Listen as we guide you through quick and effective techniques to stay calm, showcase your true self, and navigate even the most challenging presentations and conversations with ease.
Tune in to hear Gerry Katzman’s answers to questions such as:
Why is vulnerability such a necessary skill for influencers to master?
How do you train people to handle hecklers (and difficult conversations) just like standup comedians?
How can our listeners leverage comedy skills to become more persuasive presenters?
What are the top 3 mistakes you see influencers making today?
What’s one thing our listeners can do right now to boost their charisma and media presence?
And much, much more!
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