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Today's topic is "US General Election to Be Biden vs. Trump"
With Bernie Sanders' decision to end his campaign, Joe Biden will likely represent the Democratic Party against President Donald Trump this fall.
Biden won't officially win the nomination until June, but with no Democratic rivals left, a general election campaign that will be among the most expensive and nastiest in history has begun.
In Biden and Trump, voters will choose between two men with dramatically different views on healthcare, climate change, foreign policy and leadership in an era of extreme partisanship.
At 77, Biden will become the oldest major party presidential nominee in modern history. Having spent most of his life as an elected official in Washington, no nominee has had more experience in government.
In Trump, Biden is up against an opponent unlike any he's faced in his political career. The 73-year-old Republican president has a huge cash advantage and a well-established willingness to win at any cost.
But before Biden can focus entirely on Trump, the former vice president must win over Sanders' far left supporters. Even so, Biden will move into the fall with a broad voter base that includes working-class whites, older African Americans and even Republicans unhappy with their party's leadership.
Biden has already started considering potential vice presidents, but with Sanders out of the race, he can move forward more openly with selecting his running mate.
Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has turned 2020 campaign logistics on their head and is likely to affect voter attitudes.
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