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Today's topic is "Tokyo is 3rd Most Expensive City for Expats"
Tokyo is the third most expensive city for expatriates, or "expats", according to Mercer's 2020 Cost of Living Survey. That's one spot lower than in 2019, when Tokyo was in second place. Hong Kong is the most expensive city for expats, while Ashgabat in Turkmenistan is now the second most expensive. Six of the top 10 cities this year are in Asia.
Mercer figures out the cost of living for expats to help employers know what they should pay staff who are working in other countries.
To find the cost of living, Mercer looks at the price of more than 200 goods and services in over 200 cities. Mercer includes things like housing, food, utilities, transportation, entertainment, and clothing. Each city is then compared with New York City to find its rank.
The city of Tunis, Tunisia, is the least expensive city for expats in 2020. The second least expensive is Windhoek, Namibia, and third least expensive is Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Because the survey was done during the coronavirus pandemic, Mercer also found that people were buying some products more than usual, like cleaning products, entertainment products, and "comfort food" — food that's eaten because it tastes good and makes people feel better.
Cleaning products, such as soap and disinfectant, were most expensive in New York City. Mexico City had the most expensive entertainment products, like TVs and board games. And Hong Kong had the most expensive comfort food, like chocolate and frozen pizzas.
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