Press releases have been used to announce new products and services since the beginning of PR as we know it today. And, although technology has changed drastically since the time of their inception, the purpose of a press release hasn’t—it’s still your best chance at getting your news in front of journalists, bloggers, and influencers so they can share your story with their followers and provide you with that much-needed visibility boost. But what really sets the good press releases apart from the bad ones? Let’s take a look at how to write a perfect press release announcing your crypto project. **Title of a Good Crypto Project Press Release ** How to Write a Press Release in 5 Easy Steps: Step 1, Planning Out What You're Going to Say: The first step to writing an effective press release is planning. You should spend about 2-3 hours planning out what you want to say. If you are releasing information on behalf of your company or organization, it’s important that you identify who your target audience is going to be. If you are releasing information as an individual (i.e., not representing any other organization), then it’s important that you identify who will be interested in reading your press release so that they can share it with their followers and spread awareness about your project more effectively. **Why Issue a Press Release for Your Crypto Project ** Because a Press Release is one of those necessary evils. Everyone thinks they hate them, but in reality they’re great opportunities to put your crypto project in front of potential partners, investors, customers and even people who might be able to hire you. The only problem? No one reads them! So how do you get people’s attention in such an oversaturated world? These 5 Do’s and Don’ts will help guide you on how to write something that really gets noticed! **Who is the Target Audience or an Ideal Customer of your Crypto Project ** Write about who you are and your business. What: Talk about what it is your company does. How: Describe how your company helps its clients or serves a need in society. When: Briefly mention when you were founded, when you launched, or other important events that are related to your company’s origin. Where: Share where you're located (if relevant) and where customers can find information on your products or services online. **What Are the Challenges of Your Ideal Customer ** When writing a press release, it’s important to get to know who your readers are. People outside of your crypto community won’t understand terms like consensus algorithm or proof-of-work. Be sure to clearly outline how you intend to solve problems in everyday language. When/Where / Geo Specific Data Be as detailed as possible here. This can be helpful when your release is passed on from journalist to journalist, or from publication to publication. If it’s a specific event you’re trying to promote, provide dates and times. Include what venue you’ll be in, who will be speaking (and their bios), etc.Giveaway/Contest info (optional) After much testing we have found that one of the most effective ways to create buzz around your Crypto project, is to do a giveaway/contest. This method works in two ways: firstly it allows you to get maximum exposure from limited resources and secondly it gets people sharing your post with their peers (which helps great
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