Today on the show, we are delighted to have Shelly VanEpps, and our topic is One Step to Overcoming Approval Addiction. Shelly is currently a treatment coordinator and one of All-Star Dental Academies' Mastery Coaches. By working on the business with her clients, she focuses on how the team can provide the ultimate patient experience - an All-Star patient experience.
She has worked in the same dental practice for 22 years and has faced many challenges, such as having enough team members or the wrong team. Still, through it all, she's worked in every position within the practice, from administrative tasks to assisting the doctor's chair side. Her passion is treatment coordinating and connecting with patients. She was inspired by her own coach to become a coach herself and help others feel confident in what they're doing, and this leads to today's topic of the confidence factor. Please stay tuned!HIGHLIGHTS