cover of episode Treatment Planning: Efficient Workflows for Fast Turn-Around

Treatment Planning: Efficient Workflows for Fast Turn-Around

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The Truth About Dentistry

Shownotes Transcript

You've just really impressed your client in their consult, but will what comes next hold the same value? The simple truth is, a weak closing can really harm your patient's first impression of you. If they feel like they are leaving with a shakey idea of what comes next, and a unprepared treatment coordinator who has more questions than answers, then your consult really wasn't as successful as you may have thought. Today we discuss:

  • Making sure all your bases are covered before you leave the consultation.

  • Strong communication between doctor, assistant, and treatment coordinator.

  • Issuing treatment plans and ideal follow-up protocols.

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IF YOU want a DEEPER DIVE, we have just the thing!  We have recently launched our 6 Module Modern Dentist Challenge!  Here we provide more insight into ALL the systems I use at my office and how we make it happen. For more info, Click HERE!  

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Peggy xox