After being approached to discuss Team Recruitment post COVID-19 by a local media channel, I realized it could be helpful for other doctors to hear how despite the struggles, I have found a way to be successful at this during this challenging time of dentistry. Today we will discuss the two main methods I have used for recruiting new team members:
Sometimes, we don’t realize the value of showing up consistently on social media. When it comes to finding new team members, I can tell you from experience, it’s extremely valuable and I am happy to share some examples of what I have done to accomplish that.I hope you enjoy, and as always, I would LOVE and appreciate any reviews, feedback or post if you like this podcast. Don’t forget to tag me in your Instagram stories @drpeggybown) or @themoderndentist) and be sure to hit the FOLLOW button so you never miss an episode! Thank you so much for listening!
Peggy xox