Learn why and how the questions on the ARE are written so that you’re prepared to own them on test day.
Heather Rivera, our resident architect, will explain the 5 question types you’ll see on the ARE . She will dive into why they exist and the best ways to efficiently attack them. After this episode, you’ll know how to beat the questions rather than letting them beat you.
This episode is best viewed as a video because of the visual nature of the practice exams. You can view the video here: https://bksp.es/utq2019
What is Black Spectacles? We're the only learning platform created entirely for architects. We offer an entire suite of study materials - video lectures, online practice exams, and digital flashcards - to get you licensed fast.
And if you’re looking for a new study method, check out our comprehensive ARE prep modules: https://blackspectacles.com/products/are-exam-prep
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