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Join us as we discuss the ARE case studies with Mike Newman. Using a mock case study, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this new section on the exam so you’ll have a game plan to complete the case studies before time expires during the real exam.
You'll also learn the best strategies for approaching and executing the case studies so you can feel comfortable demonstrating your understanding of the concepts and principles that you'll need to know when you take the ARE.
Download the mock case study exercise @ https://bksp.es/2KExfFz
What is Black Spectacles? We're the only learning platform created entirely for architects. We offer an entire suite of study materials - video lectures, online practice exams, and digital flashcards - to get you licensed fast.
And if you’re looking for a new study method, check out our comprehensive ARE prep modules: https://blackspectacles.com/products/are-exam-prep