Recent COVID-forced move to online instruction for both K through 12 and higher-ed has come an intense discussion of best teaching practices in digital spaces. While the focus has been on teaching online, the conversation has foregrounded long-standing debates over pedagogy and practice in education. Understanding what works in the classroom is the focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guest Ellen Yezierski.
Dr. Ellen Yezierski is the Professor of Chemistry and Director of Teaching Excellence at Miami University. Yezierski became familiar with the challenges of actively engaging students in large classes while pursuing her Ph.D. in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. She has worked to integrate her research on the particulate nature of matter and conceptual change to improve teaching in large lecture courses. Her research interests include inquiry instruction, teacher change, and the effects of high school teacher professional development on teachers and their students.
What is the Centre for Teach Excellence At Miami 1:35 What drew you into helping people teach better? 2:37 Have we gotten better? 4:10 How do people learn? 6:15 How do you define effectiveness? 7:40 What can be done about a fear of science? 11:10 How does learning change with more skill? 14:45 Online learning in the COVID-19 world 18:12 How to recruit good STEM teachers? 23:11 Building trust with students 25:40