Every level of you is a receptivity. Most definitely the levels of your self are a receptivity. Your heart is a little different.
Your heart is receptive only to your Being not to your self, because it doesn't belong to your self. When your Being comes up through your heart and moves into your self because you Awareness have made it possible, available, by being true and responding to the Truth you are knowing on the level of heart, then your Being moves up through your heart into your self.
Now your heart is receptive to your self and your person and your heart flowers.
Your heart is only receptive to your Being - not to your person and self that is unintegrated. But that non-integration on the level of your person and self, through you, has had your body, so you will feel the reception of what has not integrated in feelings mentally and emotionally and physically in your body.
You are still awaiting or preparing or moving through response at the level of the heart and deeper to have your body.
When you move in response to the depth of what you are Knowing and believe it totally with all of your life in that singular moment - it becomes embodied. Now your heart registers your body and your body registers your heart and all that it registers and knows is the movement and profundity of Love ..
From there it moves into your self and into your person and into this world and your heart is the flowering of all that is registering inside and out. You are knowing Totality. You are becoming a total Beingness becoming - ALL belonging to what you really are in the deep. It is an ongoing revelation.. movement... belonging . It is actually Alpha and Omega. It doesn't have a beginning and en end. It is infinite potentiality .
Now your body has come into its potential to embody the deep and your self has come into its potential to be really what it was designed for - to be able to express the profound in the simplicity of the Real Life.
INDIA RETREAT MAR 16 D7 S1 SHORT Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here : : http://bprior.org/recordings/ The India Retreat Audios Package will be available shortly after the retreat finishes.