Contractions are your servant. They are not something that are not of your making. They are not of some other. The contraction is of you - you DO the contraction to serve you. YOU are the Master of the contraction
They serve you to keep you from being All that you are whilst you still believe in the world, whilst you still believe in the 'me' , in the separation.
They stop you crossing the line that you set your self up with. They are like spring traps that you put there so that you don't go beyond the self that you have set up.
They are serving you in remaining set up, limited and small, in you not crossing the line of this world of your self.
They serve you until you are finally done.. and you realise you are Pure Awareness and as Pure Awareness- Knowing you create Pure Creation and that is pure Goodness and has nothing to do with the world that you have set up. That world is an illusion.
from NZ Sessions April 2015 'Contractions are Your Servant'
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