Where I come from your body is in me ..and I am not the one sitting on the chair. This is a form that is also in me.
Where I come from I am Pure Awareness radiating the entire cosmos, consciously ...and where I come from I can go into every aspect of Being and know and see and manifest .
Where I come from you are within me.
That capacity is in every being but it has to be awakened , because what you are as Awareness is manifesting the entire universe.
You just think you are sitting on that chair but that gives you a point of Awareness to develop and aspect of self in a person ..and as you develop that aspect of self from your heart in your person and in your self, you awaken to your true person, which is your Real Self because that is the only one who is doing and being this. Follow this ? You are That !
That begins to open up many many different aspects of Knowing and Being Truth. In me and in This life and in this stream, although I am the ocean.. but I am streaming...
When I am streaming, the stream is the Feminine and I am the Ocean of Awareness and its Consciousness and She is streaming from That that I am. She is the expression of That that I am..but I am not an 'I' or an 'am' but
I (the Knower) AM (its forms) are One . So then I know Her, see Her and She is my form and I am Her Consciousness but the Truth is: Awareness.
Do you see the entire play?
From Sat S1 Worcester Gathering 2015 Session Recordings and Full Retreat Packages can be purchased via B's website : www.b-satsangs.org